Florida Wildflower Poetry, Senryu & Haiku, Candyroot, Polygala nana

Florida nature senryu - haiku for mid week, Candyroot, Polygala nana.
Florida Wildflower Poetry, Haiku, Senryu, Candyroot, Polygala nana by Kevin Songer
I know I shouldn’t
pull plant and sniff candyroot,
but no one’s looking

Candyroot calls to everyone who has ever pulled up the plant to experience the strong aromatic spicy scent of the roots. Interestingly, candyroot requires ants to collect the plant’s seeds for the
 food value of the seed's coating. Once underground, the seeds then germinate up through the ant's bed. Candyroot’s yellow flowers sit atop stalks rising from a basal rosette of succulent-like leaves.


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